AWS Lambda VS Google Cloud Functions

June 01, 2022

AWS Lambda VS Google Cloud Functions

As more developers turn to serverless computing solutions for their applications and projects, the question of which platform to use becomes increasingly important.

AWS Lambda and Google Cloud Functions are two of the most popular serverless computing platforms currently available. But how do they compare? Which one should you choose for your next project?

Today, we'll compare AWS Lambda and Google Cloud Functions on a range of metrics to help you make an informed choice between the two.


Pricing is a primary consideration for most developers when choosing a serverless computing platform. Both AWS Lambda and Google Cloud Functions offer a pay-as-you-go model in which you're only charged for the computational resources that you consume.

Amazon charges for every 100 milliseconds of execution time, while Google charges for every 100 milliseconds of execution and memory used. In general, Google Cloud Functions tends to be cheaper than AWS Lambda for most projects.


In terms of functionality, AWS Lambda and Google Cloud Functions are quite similar. Both platforms offer automatic scaling, event-based triggers, and support for a wide range of programming languages.

However, AWS Lambda has more integrations with third-party services than Google Cloud Functions. For example, it integrates seamlessly with other AWS services like S3, DynamoDB, and Kinesis.


Performance is a critical factor when choosing a serverless computing platform. After all, the function needs to execute quickly and efficiently to provide a seamless experience for the end-user.

Both AWS Lambda and Google Cloud Functions offer excellent performance capabilities. However, some studies have shown that Google Cloud Functions tends to be faster than AWS Lambda. In general, this difference is relatively minimal and unlikely to be noticeable in most situations.


Both AWS Lambda and Google Cloud Functions have their limitations when it comes to serverless computing.

AWS Lambda has a 15-minute limit on function duration, while Google Cloud Functions has a 540-second limit. Additionally, AWS Lambda only supports up to 3008MB of memory while Google Cloud Functions supports up to 2048MB.

Google Cloud Functions also lags behind AWS Lambda when it comes to developer tools, debugging support, and documentation.


In conclusion, both AWS Lambda and Google Cloud Functions are excellent serverless computing platforms, and the choice between the two will depend on your specific needs.

AWS Lambda may be more suitable if you're already using other AWS services and need seamless integration between them. On the other hand, Google Cloud Functions may be a better fit if you're looking for a more cost-effective option that offers better performance capabilities.

Regardless of which platform you prefer, both provide a streamlined development experience and can help you achieve faster time-to-market for your applications and websites.


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